Thailand : Khao Yai National Park
Lots and lots has happened since my last email. I've decided to keep this blog like my own diary, so it might be a bit lengthy (soz)...
We took a government bus from Bangkok to Pak Chong at 7am.
The perks of first class were:
The vehicle was garishly decorated with alternating neon green and pink Viennese blinds. An award to that interior designer :)
They were playing the foulest Thai pop music ever, extremely loudly, with a karaoke video on at the front of the coach. The singer gave seductive looks and hair flicks to the determinedly sleeping passengers.
So the sleepy and shaded Green Leaf Guest House (plug plug plug) was welcome relief.
We got an enormous room (more like a small bungalow) for half the price of our concrete cell in Bangkok and went straight out for lunch, where we met Job. Job was an extremely tall dutch scientist. He had a crazy complicated camera and a passion for animals, right down to Latin names and sub-species. We talked for ages about Bangkok and Thailand and him and us (and a few other things spinkled throughout) until it was time to go into the Park with our guide.
Just as we were saling away in our saeungthaew (sawng-thaew: bashed up pick-up truck with flimsy roof) another dutch couple turned up. Anna was bright and blinking and extremely friendly, Sebastien was broad and smooth-talking. They were really fun, could've been chat-show hosts.
Our guides were great too. Joe had such excellent English he talked faster than we could comprehend, Nine (the BirdMan) had the best Thai smile (that famous Thai smile) and lots of jokes, and Pong (the Boss) was quietly observant and really interesting, one of those guys who secretly knows everything.
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